Adobe Illustrator | Adobe Photoshop | Photography
Sappo Hill is a generous supporter of competitive cycling in Southern Oregon. The owners approached me to design a jersey for their sponsored riders and granted full creative control. The atmospheric mountains are the training grounds for many Southern Oregon cyclists. The golden circle framing the "Sappo" is a call-out to the company's signature round soap pucks, and the percolating bubble is a nod the effervescent energy of amateur cyclists passion for competition.
Ride with GPS is an Oregon-based workout tracking app similar to Strava. The app plots runs and rides on topographical maps to show elevation gain of an individual's workout, which served as inspiration for the jersey design.
Flywheel is a bike shop in Southern Oregon that has supported competitive cycling for almost 20 years. Flywheel's owner wanted to give his riders light-hearted training kits to wear in the off-season and his only request was that it be a dark color. The "Jack" jersey is a riff on the well-known adult beverage that reminds riders to chill out after a longer hard season of racing.
Pure Clean Power was a product developed by a Team USA cyclist as a natural performance supplement. The product was introduced around the time that professional cycling had earned a reputation for illegal performance enhancement, so packaging is designed deliberately simple to set it apart from other laboratory-engineered products. In 2015, the company was sold to a sports nutritionist. The Pure Clean Powder logo was updated and three more logos created for new products.
Product packaging
Product packaging
Product packaging
Product packaging
Updated logo and additional products
Updated logo and additional products
Web ads featuring sponsored athletes
Web ads featuring sponsored athletes
Web ads featuring sponsored athletes
Web ads featuring sponsored athletes
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